No matter what career you choose, you will either attend meetings or conduct meetings. Meetings are a vital component of the success of any group or organization. Unfortunately, they have earned a bad reputation because so many meetings are considered little more than time robbers. That's because the meeting organizer or presenter didn't have the skills you'll learn in this program.
There are certain proven elements of successful meetings. Mastering those elements is just like learning any other skill. Once you become aware of the best way to organize and run meetings, you'll do the preparation necessary to make them happen. This includes understanding your own comfort level in running a meeting, whether it's a one-on-one coaching session or addressing thousands at the annual company meeting.
In Speak Without Fear/The No-Fail Meeting you will learn how to develop an effective meeting plan - one that will generate results for everyone involved; understand how to manage people who may try to steal the show or take over your meeting; and create and rehearse effective meeting presentations every time.