The Process of Getting What You Want
Hey, it’s the end of the year, we are now in December. Let’s continue to have a heart of gratitude and give thanks for all that we have and all we’ve overcome. As we prepare to enter into a new year, let us reflect on our goals and dreams; things that inspire and motivate us, and on the possibilities the new year can bring. My mentor, Tom Murphy, taught me a process of self-discovery you will find useful in your own endeavors. It involves five steps.

First, you must want more. Go window shopping. And I don't mean for you to start walking the mall corridors looking for bargains. I mean look for things through the window of your own eyes. Look for things you want, becoming aware of what’s going on around you, what is fun for you, and what new possibilities you could be achieving in your life right now that are currently unfulfilled.
Second, create a list. Sit down and reflect with pen and paper or computer and keyboard. Write down everything that comes to mind that you want in your life. Mr. Murphy asked me to set as one of my goals to become a millionaire. I asked him why? Me, a little stone quarry rock busting Omar become a millionaire? He said the process of writing down that goal would automatically and immediately put me on the road to moving toward that goal. Once You list your goals, you narrow down the list to the most important items. For instance, financial independence is something to strive for and that single goal may require a number of smaller goals to achieve it. That’s how achieving goals works. Take on your goals and challenges one at a time and you will inevitably reach the ultimate goal. The key is to keep reviewing your list and revising and narrowing it down to reflect what you truly want.
Third, get emotional. The emotional approach is to learn how to use the power of emotion to power your efforts. Here’s how it works. I focus on being happy three times a day for ten minutes each session. Once I accomplish that goal, I continue to think of what I want to achieve and what I thought of when I was happy. Try it and you will start to see and experience subtle and positive changes in your thoughts immediately.

Fourth, use the question and answer method to focus on what motivates you. Ask yourself important questions that go to the core of your being. For me the most important questions are: How spiritual do I want to be? How happy do I want to be? How healthy do I want to be?How wealthy do I want to be?
Five, draw strength from your daydreams. As a young boy I was told to stop looking out the window. Some people said I was becoming nothing more than a dreamer. Fortunately, I didn’t listen. We are told from a very early age on to stop dreaming and “get real.” As we get older we forget the wonder of true dreaming. For me, having the dream is more important than figuring out the steps to achieve a goal because the dream causes the steps to happen. I dream. The steps appear and I take them one at a time. Have no fear and don’t worry about the future.“ If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed... nothing shall be impossible unto you.” (Matthew 17:20)
Once you set your goals, once you really accept the power of taking action now, amazing things start to happen. Bit by bit, day by day, year by year you will accomplish your goals. Accomplishment is inevitable because you will have thought things through and have taken bold action to create a terrific and exciting reality for yourself. And always remember you have greatness within you.
I wish you great success and a great holiday!
Omar Periu