Happy New Year!

Hello, 2021!! It's a new year, with new goals, a new vision, and a new mindset. Take time to reflect and redefine your why; regroup, and most of all, think bigger than you ever have before. Start by taking the "7 Steps to Success" from the last newsletter I sent you. Most importantly, as you start taking those steps, make sure to have a positive attitude.



As my mentor Jim Rohn says, "Take from today, don't go through the day." Take from 2020 all the positives, and forge ahead into 2021 and make it your best year ever. There are worlds for you to conquer, so change your course and make your dreams come true. Change the attitude of your mind - what you think and what you speak. When you improve your thoughts, your self-esteem and self-image become so powerful that your performance will automatically improve. 

Realize that self-talk will move you forward or move you away from your purpose or goals. Remember what I always say, words are not true, and words are not false. Words predict your future!  It's all a matter of attitude; what you think, you become. Start thinking that you are good enough to earn whatever you want in life fully and that you deserve success. 



Great thought produces great results. What you focus on expands. Focus your mind on failure, and you will get it by the carload. Focus that same mental energy on true greatness, and you will find positive achievement beyond what you now believe possible. Combine that positive attitude with the "7 Steps to Success," and let's conquer 2021.

Let me help you reach your goals in the new year. Take the $1 Zoom Coaching Challenge below and make the first step towards success. 

As always, I wish you great success and a Happy New Year!

Omar Periu

Excerpts from Omar’s Get Fired Up book

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